Fixing up the film
Hello blog, I'm back! Today, our group resumed the video editing process, and we collectively agreed to divide the workload among ourselves to streamline the process. We opted for a shift-like system, akin to a job, to enhance efficiency and communication within the group. Initially, one of my groupmates took the first shift, tackling specific segments of the video. I then took over for the second shift, delving into the editing process myself. Upon starting, I noticed that my groupmate had already trimmed unnecessary parts of the video, yet it still exceeded the time limit. This prompted me to consider further cutting and shortening clips to meet the requirements. However, I underestimated the difficulty of this task, particularly in maintaining video quality while reducing length. I focused on trimming the beginnings and ends of clips initially but found it insufficient to meet the time constraint. Consequently, I had to resort to cutting sections from the middle of clips, being cautious to preserve overall video quality. Fortunately, I identified some sections that could be safely removed without compromising the video's integrity. Additionally, I experimented with shaving off fractions of a second from various clips to further reduce the total duration. While this only resulted in a marginal decrease in time, it was enough to bring the video within the allowable limit. Satisfied with the progress, I concluded my work for the day, passing the baton to another group member for continued editing. Goodbye for now, blog! See you later.
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