Finally Starting to film

 Hey there! Back with an update on our filming progress. We kicked off today by shooting scene 1, as we agreed to split filming across several days due to everyone's limited availability. Also, since we needed specific lighting close to sundown, spreading out the filming was essential. Scene 1 was thankfully short, so it didn't demand too much from us today. I took on the role of Detective Carter, for which I had prepared the appropriate attire based on my earlier research. However, I ran into a snag when I couldn't find a tie to complete the look. Luckily, one of our groupmates had an extra tie on hand, saving the day. Once we all gathered at the filming location, we scouted for the perfect spot and set up the tripod along with other equipment and props. With everything in place, we decided to run through the dialogue and do a practice run of the scene to ensure smooth execution during filming. Thankfully, our rehearsal paid off, and the actual filming went smoothly, allowing us to wrap up the scene efficiently. With some time to spare, we toyed with the idea of planning the next scene's location, but realizing the sun was setting soon, we decided to leave it for another day. That wraps up today's progress. Catch you later, blog!


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