Planning Blog: Title Design

Hello again, everyone! We will be thinking about title design for our short film. Going into this, we knew that we were trying to mainly follow the horror genre, with a hint of mystery . As a reminder, our script  is about two detectives, a officer, forensic photographer, and criminalist. That discover an unusual   Thanks to our extensive research on the genre, we were able to take reference and inspiration from the movies and titles we had studied. We knew that our title needed to be suspenseful and give a little bit of insight as to what our story would be about, with a suspenseful cover design and title design. This could be illustrated in the title by putting blood stains on cover and mysterious person looking and detectives in fear on cover design with body.

The opening credits of this film will begin with the title of this film which will be Whispers In The Woods that will have a faded in whispering sound in the opening scene. It will be in bold all caps with a cavolini font something like this: WHISPERS IN THE WOODS. Titles will all be typed out and come onto the screen and fade out in 7 seconds and using mysterious tones throughout. Depending on scene and credit taker person who held the job for their role will be a mixed set of colors all with same font be some bolded with different sizes depending on scene and character. 


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