Pitch Blog

 Our Pitch Blog

Pitch A: A group of detectives are working on a case in the woods.

Pitch B: Scientists go researching in the ocean and while researching the get caught in a unexpected storm. 

Discuss Pitch A: We feel that this pitch is the one that is most favorable. This is because it would require less resources and be less expensive overall. We also have an interest in these type of films so we each have an idea of what is needed to be filmed. A main reason is that this choice would make it so that there is wide variety of locations to chose from. We also feel that this idea would be a more entertaining film because it would create suspense and mystery to the overall film.

Discuss Pitch B: We feel that this pitch is the least favorable decision between the two. This is due to the resources we need are out of our budget and too difficult to obtain. Also the film will be too difficult to film on the ocean. Not only that but we believe that some of the effects needed in this film would be difficult to create. This idea also includes too many health and safety issues.

Final Decision: As a group we have all agreed to chose pitch idea A


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